Exp-function method and new exact solutions for Fisher equation Exp函数法与Fisher方程新的精确解
Qualitative Analysis and Linearization Method of Traveling Wave Solutions of Fisher Equation Fisher方程行波解的定性分析及线性化解法
After all, as Peter Fisher, head of fixed income at BlackRock points out: Inflation is a three-variable, not a two-variable equation. 毕竟,正如贝莱德(BlackRock)固定收益部门主管彼得费舍尔(PeterFisher)指出的:通胀是一个有三个变量、而非只有两个变量的等式。
SPOT Natural-Color Simulation with Spectrum Analysis Qualitative Analysis and Linearization Method of Traveling Wave Solutions of Fisher Equation 利用波谱分析进行SPOT影像自然色模拟的方法Fisher方程行波解的定性分析及线性化解法
We take the correct rate of back substitution as a standard, and use the combinatorial factor to establish Fisher distinguishing equation. 以回代正确率为标准,利用因子组合对多个总体的样本数据建立Fisher线性判别方程。
The generalized Fisher type equation is considered by the similarity reduction method and a direct method, and its exact solutions are constructed. 使用相似约化的方法和一种直接方法研究了广义Fisher型方程,构造出了它的精确解。
A global threshold for a fisher's reaction-diffusion equation 一个Fisher型反应扩散方程解的全局Threshold现象
A Direct Method and Solitary-like Wave Solutions of Fisher-type Equation with Variable Coefficient 一种直接方法与变系数Fisher型方程的类孤立波解
In this paper, a generalized Fisher equation is discussed, and some explicit travelling wave solutions are obtained. 讨论了一类Fisher方程的行波解,得到了它的多个显式行波解。
The existence and uniqueness of the generalized solution for a 2 α-order and n-dimension Fisher type equation under periodic boundary conditions is studied. 本文研究2a阶n维Fisher型方程在周期边界条件下广义解的存在性及唯一性。
This paper proposes a new kind of solitary wave solution to Fisher Equation through a function ′ s tangent function variation. 本文通过函数的正切函数变换给出Fisher方程的新孤波解。
The Exact Traveling Solutions of the Fisher Equation Fisher方程的精确行波解
White Noise Functional Solutions of Wick-type Stochastic Fisher Equation 一类Wick型随机Fisher方程的白噪声泛函解
The solitary wave solutions in Literature 1 and 2 are expressed by hyperbola tangent, while this paper proposes a new kind of solitary wave solution of Fisher Equation by using hyperbola cotangent derived from tangent function variation. 文献[3]和文献[4]中的孤波解是用双曲正切表达的孤波解,本文则是由正切函数变换出发而得到的双曲余切表达的Fisher方程的新孤波解。
Exact Solutions of the Fisher Type Equation with Variable Coefficient 变系数Fisher型方程的精确解
In terms of the BT, several exact solutions to the generalized Fisher equation with variable coefficients are obtained. 利用BT获得了变系数广义Fisher方程的若干精确解。
The properties of the solution for Fisher equation have been discussed in [ 1]. 文献[1]曾对Fisher方程解的性质作过讨论。
Searching Display Solutions of the Classical Fisher Equation by Some Function Transformation Methods 函数变换法求经典Fisher方程的显示解
According to Fisher equation of income type, monetary velocity determines money flow then income. 根据收入型的费雪方程,货币流通速度决定货币流量,从而决定收入。
On the basis of the Fisher equation of exchange, simply, supposing the velocity of money remains unchanged, the increase of money supply will be reflected in increase of price and expansion of economic growth. 按照货币交易方程式,简单地,在货币流通速度不变的情况下,货币供给的增加会反映到物价的上涨及经济的增长上来。
Results: multifactor Logistic regression analysis suggesting Hunt-Hess grade, modified Fisher grade, rehaemorrhagia enter the equation, they Might be independent risk factors to SCVS, blood calculus enter the equation, it might be protection factor. 结果:多因素Logistic回归分析结果为再出血、Hunt-Hess分级、改良Fisher分级进入方程,提示他们可能是SCVS的独立危险因素,血钙也进入了方程,提示高血钙为SCVS的保护因素。